Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm in

Here's my struggle. I find the more I run and get in shape, the more I crave cheesecake. Which is not the best training food...

I'm starting to train for another 1/2 marathon (we'll see if that really happens! And you're all welcome to keep right on training after this race and join in!) and I'm hopeful that your couch to 5K can help me get more consistent in my pace and gain some speed. Because I can jog all day long, and I'd like to RUN this 5k!

iTunes and Couch-to-5K

Molly informed me the other day that itunes has free, weekly podcasts for download. Word on the street is that a little voice interrupts the music (or something like that?) to tell you when to walk or jog.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I did not run today, but I walked about 2 miles picking up garbage for a Cub Scout activity. I can't imagine that counts. I am the queen of good intentions, but we all know how the road to hell is paved. I am hoping that this makes me feel a little accountability. I printed off the running schedule, but I gave it my own title to post it on the fridge. It says "Get Off Your A** and Do Something". Wish me luck.

Week 1

I ran week 1, day 2 of the program today - fabulous! I have been super energetic all day, which is a change from my normal, day-to-day energy. I started the plan with my neighbor, Lisa, who used to be a runner but has taken a little break. She will run with us on 9/20/08. Hooray! This is a quick one because I need to jet outta here. Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions/needs for this!