Saturday, September 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

High School Musical works too

I've decided I don't have enough cash at the moment to buy a new iPod, so I will continue to use the little one's Shuffle while I run alone. Speaking of running alone, I wasn't sure if I would make it today. Week 4 consists of 10.5 minutes of walking and 16 minutes of jogging, off and on, of course. Last week was only 9 total minutes of jogging. Anyway, I did it. And it felt surprisingly good! Woo hoo!

On another note, I've been thinking about this team registration bit. In order to register as a team we have to have at least 10 runners or walkers. I think we sit at a total of 8. I'm not sure if you all listen to Mix 106, but Kate (from the morning show) is "hosting" a team for the Women's Fitness Celebration. What do you think about registering under this? Let me know what you think and we'll go from there!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sleep and time is my nemisis

So I was like, yah, I can easily do this 5K cause I've been running quite a bit...but then we start talking about it, and I stop running. I'm really lacking in the motivation part and right now I'm so busy I can only go in the morning. I set my alarm every day to get up and go and today I was awake about 15 minutes before it went off, then I fell back asleep and turn it of, and then woke up way late. So now I'm trying to get over this sucky hump and get back in gear of running....maybe I do need Hannah Montana like Miranda to help me out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dedication in Question

I have walked the dog, I have walked to the pool several times, and I often walk to the neighbor's house several streets over. But, I must confess, I have not been running as I should. I know I need new shoes also, but I feel like I should have to earn them. Hmmmmm.... Things are hit and miss for me right now this summer. I feel like they will return to an even keel once I can get back into school. I looks like that could be as soon as Monday. That would put my son and I back on a regular schedule. Being kind of "homeless" when it comes to work makes it easy to stray from any kind of schedule. However, I am committed to getting my body fit enough, cardiovascularly speaking, to go out and run 3 miles.

Kuna Days...

My family did the Kuna Days 5K and my hope was to get a time to base some training on. There was no timing in this event. And it's the only race I've run since elementary school where they said, "ready, set, go!" to get us started...

Even without the timer, I know I was slower than I wanted to be! And I'm having trouble motivating in this heat... maybe I need some Hannah Montana to get me going!!!!

Confessions and excuses

1. I did not run on Monday. However, the night prior I was up-chucking, which gives me every right not to run in the morning. I did, however, run today.

2. I ran alone today because my neighbor and I usually run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As #1 points out, I didn't run Monday....sooooo, I ran alone.

3. I listened to Hannah Montana as I ran today. Ha! I was going to take my iPod with me today, since I ran alone, but it was dead. I snuck into Brooke's room at 6am and grabbed her iPod shuffle, complete with all Hannah Montana music. It did the trick, and was surprisingly (and embarassingly) good to run to the music. Yikes. Hopefully this will not become habit.

4. I bought new shoes. I actually really needed a decent pair of running shoes, so I got them. Yippee!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm in

Here's my struggle. I find the more I run and get in shape, the more I crave cheesecake. Which is not the best training food...

I'm starting to train for another 1/2 marathon (we'll see if that really happens! And you're all welcome to keep right on training after this race and join in!) and I'm hopeful that your couch to 5K can help me get more consistent in my pace and gain some speed. Because I can jog all day long, and I'd like to RUN this 5k!

iTunes and Couch-to-5K

Molly informed me the other day that itunes has free, weekly podcasts for download. Word on the street is that a little voice interrupts the music (or something like that?) to tell you when to walk or jog.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I did not run today, but I walked about 2 miles picking up garbage for a Cub Scout activity. I can't imagine that counts. I am the queen of good intentions, but we all know how the road to hell is paved. I am hoping that this makes me feel a little accountability. I printed off the running schedule, but I gave it my own title to post it on the fridge. It says "Get Off Your A** and Do Something". Wish me luck.

Week 1

I ran week 1, day 2 of the program today - fabulous! I have been super energetic all day, which is a change from my normal, day-to-day energy. I started the plan with my neighbor, Lisa, who used to be a runner but has taken a little break. She will run with us on 9/20/08. Hooray! This is a quick one because I need to jet outta here. Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions/needs for this!